Ted and Marilyn Franke

Hi friends at Valley Bible Chalet!

We always appreciate your prayers and are happy to share these items with you and the missions committee/church family.  Hope your having a wonderful summer season.

  • Praise for a successful work team trip from an Alaskan church the first part of June to help move toward completion a missionary guest house.
  • Pray for efforts to share and implement a model to further village church ministry by empowering indigenous (native) Christian leaders. This model is a highly successful means used largely in South America for church planting/ ministry in remote villages.  It could, Lord willing, be successful in Alaska.  (Two of us Alaskans recently attended a Colorado conference to learn what God is using in South America!)
  • Continued prayer/praise for missionary leaders in our state who more and more see the value and strength of partnerships and collaborative efforts.When the body of Christ is less territorial and more kingdom focused, greater outreach can actually be achieved!
  • Praise our new director and wife are expanding our vision and effectiveness as a ministry.He just sent this link this morning as an update about Arctic Barnabas Ministries.  http://us15.campaign-archive2.com/?e=&u=be199656b7706ba6cdf78bd32&id=c643e4c519

Love, prayers and blessings to all of you at VBC!

Ted and Marilyn Franke